The russian president uses a video blog!

I have written some stuff about the role social media played in Obama’s campaign in the US. Politicians can make great use of social media and online communities to engage with the public.

One real benefit of engaging people in this way is that you can focus people round a specific topic or issue, a useful tool for politicians and government. It’s also a great way to open up and bring people inside the organization. Just as this is beneficial for brands, so it is also beneficial for organizations. That’s why it’s great to see another example of social media being used in this way, and this time one that is possibly one that is less well known: the videoblog from Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

Launched in October 2008, Dmitry Medvedev recorded a few experimental video blog entries before the end of last year, but it is this week that he has returned and the blog is starting to gain traction. I’ve included the latest clip below, which may only be of use to Russian speakers (although you do get to see Medvedev skiing).

Check it out:

I don’t know what he is saying, but what I read in a statement was “I would like to say a few words about how my video blog. You will know that we began to experiment with a few posts from the 7th October last year. I now want us to take your feedback and improve implement some of your suggestions. First, you asked for commenting on the site and I’m glad to say we have now got this. You can now post comments to the site and I hope you will do so. I have already listened to your feedback with great interest and look forward to reading your comments.” Now that is how to interact with your people!