It has been a busy couple of weeks, back at work, writing a lot about the digital possibilities out there, commented a lot in VG about the politicians use of social media, been in a discussion on TV2Nyhetskanalen together with @jilltxt and @SVHeikki on the same matter – and trying to follow the discussions in the media about the forthcoming election.
So, what can I say, more than I will post short ones for the next month…
Todays theme: The intensity on Twitter! And I feel it actually is, the closer we get to the elections, the higher people intend too shout. Is it a good thing, not really, but on the positive side, there is a lot too be said and people are really engaged in politics. Should we go for oil up North, should Siv Jensen be prime minister, should Jens Stoltenberg just lead a government of Arbeiderpartiet if the opposition can’t agree??
Just hook up on Twitter and follow the heat, it’s fun and you will always pick up something. There are a lot of good people with good ideas out there!