Hvorfor TV overlever – en stund til

HVORFOR TV OVERLEVER – EN STUND TIL I den senere tid, igjen bør kanskje nevnes, har diskusjoner omkring hvordan TV som medie kommer til å utvikles, og ikke minst, hvordan Google med sin tjeneste Google TV kommer til å påvirke vår holdning til dette. Sigurd Vik, glitrende fagmann hos Red Media, blogget om dette for […]

Is YouTube a parasite ?

According to a report in the Guardian, the former BBC executive Michael Grade, now the Executive Chairman of Britain’s Independent Television, openly attacked Google-owned YouTube at the recent IBC convention in Amsterdam, for stealing and living off the television content created by the UK’s founding commercial network. Grade also stated that despite the parasitic nature […]

Ad’s on the net tops TV-ads

Listening to the radio this morning, one of the biggest news was that companies spends more money on ads on the Internet, than they use on TV ads. Still, most spent money is traditional, ads in the newspapers. So, what we happen with this in the future, I think it will create a flood of […]

Why not your own TV-channel ?

It this days where everybody is talking about new social technologies, ranging from blogs to profiles on social networking sites. But almost all of these efforts are one-off technology deployments, instead of being part of a master plan on how to engage customers and employees on a strategic level. Some ideas on how and why […]