Gulltaggen og sosiale medier workshop

Da har vi kommer et langt stykke på vei, påmeldingen til Gulltaggen er ferdig og workshopen den 27. april er spikret! Det jeg mener er utrolig morsomt er at når #Hashtaggen (=INMA faggruppe for sosiale medier) ble startet ifjor (jeg tror vi ganske presis kan feire et år!), så var et av målene at sosiale […]

7 reasons why the business world hates social media

Sometimes, or I should say, way to often, I don’t have the time to read all newsletters coming in to my mailbox. Late last night I read a couple of them (still have a couple of hundreds unread…) – and this one is well worth reading – written by Yann Gourvennec. Here is the start […]

ShoZu, what a great tool

ShoZu are describing theirselves as “is the leading provider of mobile social media services that connect mobile consumers with their online social networks, personal blogs, photo storage sites and other Web 2.0 properties from the handset.” So far, I’m just very impressed with what they are doing and how to use it!

200 millions uses Facebook!

Congratulations, yesterday over 200 millions has/is using Facebook! In this video (only available if you’re a member of Facebook, but I’ll guess everybody is!) Mark Zuckerberg says “Growing rapidly to 200 million users is a really good start, but we’ve always known that in order for Facebook to help people represent everything that is happening […]

The 4 C’s of Community

Content: Quality content is a great way to attract the people who are needed to form the elusive community that your brand is hoping will to help build. When considering community initiatives, there are three questions to ask yourself. 1. Where will the content come from? 2. Does it provide indisputable value? Can a regular […]

Two-thirds uses social media

According to Market Tools two thirds of the adult population in the USA says that they use social media (blogs, online communities and social networks). Almost 20 percent sys the they use them on a daily basis and another 20 percent uses it at least once a week. One third says they never uses it. […]