SnapChat – hvorfor det fungerer

Her er en artikkel som jeg gjerne vil dele fra FutureLab – hvorfor faktisk SnapChat kan gjør mer, enn det litt dårlige rykte som det hatt fått “blant de litt eldre”. Snapchat seems to be attracting more interest recently with more users of and more questions about the mobile sharing app which allows you to […]

Syv harde fakta om sosiale medier for merkevarer

Dette er en artikkel som jeg leste på Fresh Networks, alltid en kilde til inspirasjon og tanke: A lot of people are excited about social media and think it could have a hugely positive impact on their brand, their marketing and communications, the insight they get, the way in which they deal with customer service […]

Jarle Aabo creats rage.. in the Norwegian Twitter elite…

Jarle Aabø wrote an article about a week ago, regarding the misuse of Twitter amongst Norwegian journalists. What happend, of course, he was hung by the lot…. But the thing about that is that they are absolutely right! Marius Eriksen, partner at Sermo wrote this in Kampanje. Besides what he is writing I would like […]

7 reasons why the business world hates social media

Sometimes, or I should say, way to often, I don’t have the time to read all newsletters coming in to my mailbox. Late last night I read a couple of them (still have a couple of hundreds unread…) – and this one is well worth reading – written by Yann Gourvennec. Here is the start […]

The use of social media in politics fails – in Sweden

The same discussion as we have in Norway about the use of social media in politics is still under heat, this time in Sweden, for the upcoming EU-election. But, and I don’t know if this the world famous ‘jantelov’ (a Scandinavian expression) – both consultants and researchers agrees what has gone wrong . The message […]

A good day in Kristiansand

The University of Agder, together with the Kristiansand based company 4AM, arranged a seminar about the use of social media in the forthcoming Norwegian elections. A lot of interesting people said a lot of interesting things, here is the link to the program (in Norwegian) and I will get back to ya with some interviews […]

Online communities in the telecom industry

There are not as many examples of good online communities for the telecoms industry. Part of the reason for this is that the nature of the industry is one that facilitates communication – they don’t provide content but allow people to communicate over their networks or using their products. Therefore many example of their use […]

Twitter Weekly Updates 15.03.2009

Veldig glad for snøfreser! Mer sne – oh glede # I just like to watch outside the house, 1.5 meter of snow 🙂 # done with everything, here comes the new week with a lot of exciting things # still working, hell of a fun week ahead! # @yapluka du har helt rett! in reply […]

The INMA seminar on Friday the 13th

I’m quite convinced that the seminar on Friday will be a success. We have started a group under the INMA-name, which will focus on social media as a profession and how to use it. As far as I know there will be a ton of people, both participating and watching, at location and live. Thomas […]

Twitter Weekly Updates – 1.3.2009

ferdig med snemåking, nå er det # trying to buy an # peppes på røa godt å synde en skjelden gang # @skipet veldig bra tips! in reply to skipet # really good handball game tonight, won 28-16, and we played well! # will this be another glorious day for Norway at the cross-country world […]

A fantastic seminar about politics and social media

Friday the 13th March (yeh, I know…), INMA together with us at Confetti and Dagbladet will invite to a huge seminar about the use of social media in politics. One of the new and exciting politicians, Hadia Tajik from Arbeiderpartiet, will tell us some of her experience in her campaign at YouTube. The list of […]

No surprise – Facebook is no 1!

Data released today from supports what will not be a surprise to most. Facebook is the most visited social network, with nearly 1.2 billion visits in January 2009. This also represents significant growth, with visits to Facebook up 36% on December, and 256% over the previous twelve months. MySpace slipped into second place at […]

Interesting way of branding things!

A music video has done something quite interesting I think, they have put 41 different ads in the video! So, how do we classify this? Is it user-generated, viral involuntary co-op branding? But it’s an interesting technique – commercials as a library for music video producers. Ooh, almost forgot – how many of the commercials […]

Two-thirds uses social media

According to Market Tools two thirds of the adult population in the USA says that they use social media (blogs, online communities and social networks). Almost 20 percent sys the they use them on a daily basis and another 20 percent uses it at least once a week. One third says they never uses it. […]

Consumers expects more!

One of the so called marketing gurus, Mitch Joe, said at the Global Ecommerce Summit in Amsterdam that social media has changed the behavior on how to communicate with our customers. An example is when 40 % of American mums have their own space at MySpace, well, it’s time to think on how to market. […]

Social medias and the Olympics

Here is something I read about the Olympics and would like to share with you; The 2008 Beijing Olympics should be the perfect area for social media coverage of the event itself Social media is also being used by many big brands to capitalise upon the Games. The very reasons we identified for social media […]

Why not your own TV-channel ?

It this days where everybody is talking about new social technologies, ranging from blogs to profiles on social networking sites. But almost all of these efforts are one-off technology deployments, instead of being part of a master plan on how to engage customers and employees on a strategic level. Some ideas on how and why […]