Twitter Weekly Updates – 08.03.2009

@philiplund hvofor ikke en sak om hvorfor Twitter har eksplodert i Norge siden årsskiftet in reply to philiplund # nye muligheter – ny uke! # @Manheim høres ut som en god plan – jeg legger det inn i kalender # @philiplund skjønner problemstillingen 😉 bra artikkel idag f.ø på Kuttisme! in reply to philiplund # […]

The new Simpsons main title

It’s actually a step forward, how could ever think else…. nice one by adding the side characters Don’t miss the first ever HD episode of The Simpsons, this Sunday only on FOX! For full episodes of The Simpsons visit:

Twin Peaks

At last, the greatest TV-series ever (sorry Simpsons, you are close…) has finally been released on DVD – Twin Peaks Season 2. Absolutely brilliant! I will be back on this matter 🙂