Regjeringen som lege

Aldri tidligere har man målt så høye temperaturer på jordkloden. Et alvorlig varsku at kloden vår har feber. Hva gjør man da med noen som har feber? Jo, normalt sett så pleier man å ta det med ro og ev. bruke noen form av feberdempende medisinering. Men ikke vår lege, altså den norske regjeringen som […]

Mer visjoner

Gårsdagen var full av budsjett, penger, fordeling, fornøyde og mindre fornøyde grupper i samfunnet. Min korte kommentar – ingen visjoner, ingen nye planer og særdeles ingen ny satsing på alternativ, hverken veier,klima, helse, skolemat eller nye skattemodeller. Trist og grått, akkurat slik jeg opplever regjeringen om dagen. Et klassisk administrasjons regjering. Som en kontrast kan […]

LO, SV, klimaforlik og penger

I dagens Aftenposten uttaler LO-leder Roar Flåthen at klimaforliket som et samlet Storting vedtok blir for dyrt. For alle som er opptatt av miljø er det meget, meget skuffende. At en av tyngste organisasjonene i Norge velger å si nei, til tross for et samlet politisk Norge, viser at LO er i fullstendig utakt med […]

A new Norwegian government

Today Jens Stoltenberg presented his new administration, his second administration, 10 women and 10 men. I mostly curios on two, Trond Giske becomes Minister of Trade and Industry and Kristin Halvorsen will be the Minister of Education and Research. They have a lot of challenges ahead, especially in those two areas and it will be […]

Challanges ahead

Norway’s red-green government did win the elections on Monday, winning 86 seats to the oppositions 83 seats. Venstre fell out of the parliament and KrF, together with Senterpartiet stayed somewhere around the six present of votes. The results indicated Norway would continue to buck a trend that has seen center-right blocs take power in its […]

The Norwegian government and Aker

Yet again, the Red/Green coaliation shows all the signs of making political harakiri, this time the Aker-case. The oppsition have happy days, poundering the message that the Government shouldn’t be involved in business, the way we do here in Norway, which means highly imvolvmeny from the state in different areas, especially related towards oil/energy and […]

The Norwegian Fortune-Teller

It’s amazing, one of the more profiled representatives in the Norwegian congress, Ms Saera Kahn, has decided to resign because of the calling to some fortune tellers, to a cost of approx. 40 000 NOK the last quarter. Since she is representing Arbeiderpartiet and the Government – and since they are doing a lot of […]

Shame on Jens Stoltenberg, Arbeiderpartiet and Senterpartiet!

Faced with record numbers of refugees seeking asylum in Norway, the government on Wednesday announced moves to make it harder for them to stay in the country. Running away from it’s responsibilities in this very delicate and emotional matter I really don’t know how this Government will face it’s voters. I’m very curious to see […]