Når ting går galt, eller?

Idag morges var hovedoppslaget på Kampanje “Internett er kommet for å bli” : Aker Solutions lanserer nytt nettsted! Temmelig umiddelbart ble det en heftig disksujon på Twitter om hvor morsomt/dårlig/1. april spøk-lignende dette var, at Aker Solutions som et av Norges største industrikonsern uttaler seg at ‘Internett er kommet for å bli”. Så tok det […]

Will iPad change the way of ads?

A good article from Jonathan Salem Baskin about how IPad could change the ideas of advertising: While technology has not been kind to traditional advertisers, next week’s launch of Apple’s iPad offers an immense opportunity. Big brand names like FedEx and Chase have bought much of the ad inventory for the next few months. I […]

The Google Story

Been a extremly busy week, with both TV performance (or, rather, the taping of it) at TVNorges Superquiz, still jumping around being unable to practise because of a sprained ancle to put it mildley… and working on some exciting projects, very often with Kristian Osestad. I’m still working on an article about PR and the […]