Twitter Weekly Updates 15.03.2009

Veldig glad for snøfreser! Mer sne – oh glede # I just like to watch outside the house, 1.5 meter of snow 🙂 # done with everything, here comes the new week with a lot of exciting things # still working, hell of a fun week ahead! # @yapluka du har helt rett! in reply […]

The russian president uses a video blog!

I have written some stuff about the role social media played in Obama’s campaign in the US. Politicians can make great use of social media and online communities to engage with the public. One real benefit of engaging people in this way is that you can focus people round a specific topic or issue, a […]

Political ads on Norwegian TV?

The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg Thursday said in a statement yesterday that Norway’s restrictions again political TV-ads is against the freedom of speech, and because of that we can have political ads in the election campaigns next year. Is this a good thing? Yes, I absolutely think so! During an election year, […]

I’m very curios, who will win the US Election?

I’m interested in finding out if the US will do something that wouldn’t happen in Norway in the next twenty years, choosing someone to office with a different background then tradition says… And if Mr. Obama will win, then I think the world will be very disappointed within the next six months – he’s voted […]

Politics, blogging and communication

Here is Politikk og nettsamfunn presentation I held yesterday at INMA about politics and communication on the net. It might doesn’t say too much, and it’s in Norwegian, a lot of pictures, but mail me if you want to know more. I just wish for the forthcoming election here in Norway next year, that the […]

New cases to work with

I’m so fortunate that I have to work with a great bunch of people and some very interesting customers. It’s always fun to use your brain in a creative way and in the forthcoming month of so, I will tell you something about what I and we at Confetti are doing. Something to look forward […]

Continuing the summer

Still, the weather is off and on, but this weekend it’s time to play golf. I have joined something I’m not sure what it is, but it will be a lot of golfing the upcoming days. But, I have sent a big offer to a potential customers and is already thinking about the forthcoming projects, […]

The beginning of summer

So the calendar says, it’s the last day of June, and I’m stilling waiting for the vacation feeling.. but I’ll guess it will occur in a day or to, it’s always the transition from a lot of work, ’til, in theory, doing nothing who complicates it. Anyway, the vacation starts out with a comment in […]

Time for the big race – Obama vs McCain

Finally, the race within the democratic party is over, as it seems (still waiting for Hillary to call it quits…) and it’s time for the big one – the race for the presidency. And it seems during this day it has already heated up; McCain seized on his rival’s trademark slogan to say: “That’s not […]

About Eliot Spitzer

American politics again, well, since there hasn’t been any scandals lately in the Scandinavian region, this is more a amazing story of stupidity, and of course – Why do politicians at all levels keep starring in this familiar soap opera – read about it here: New York Times

Elections in Russia and the US

It’s interesting to see how different elections works in two of the biggest countries in the world. In Russia the power will show the world of unite, gathering together for a better future as a group, in the US the each and one individual try to tear each other apart, in the name of uniting […]