En tung dag for norsk vinteridrett

Søndag den 4. mai ble en tung dag for norsk vinteridrett. FrP sa Nei til VinterOL under sitt landsmøte og Petter Northug krasjer bilen, etter å ha kjørt på fylla. OL først: Bra vedtak fra FrP! Som jeg har skrevet mange ganger før, så er bruken av alle milliarder på 14 dagers fest veldig korttenkt. […]

Social medias and the Olympics

Here is something I read about the Olympics and would like to share with you; The 2008 Beijing Olympics should be the perfect area for social media coverage of the event itself Social media is also being used by many big brands to capitalise upon the Games. The very reasons we identified for social media […]

Now it’s hot

Just a weekend left, before getting back to work. And I havn’t commented anything despite a lot of things happened this last couple of weeks… Blame it (or rather – it’s summer and vacation) on laziness… but there is a lot of questions who needs an answer during the next couple of months, – will […]