Who won the Norwegian election in the digital media?

Valgpanelet has done a remarkable job on their site, following the election in digital media. Their conclusion is that Arbeiderpartiet has won it, and I completely disagree. The reason (is Norwegian) is: Den digitale vinneren av årets valgkamp er Rødt! På samme måte som dere kårer AP, så har Rødt gjennomført akkurat sin politiske kampanje […]

The Worst Enemy For The Salmon – Norway!

I couldn’t help, I’ve found this article in todays Aftenposten where Orri Vigússon, an Icelandic entrepreneur and environmentalist and in this matter – the Chairman of the North Atlantic Salmon Fund. He’s making some points on the Norwegian way of doing politics, in this case fish… And guess what, it’s not very flattering, again the […]