ICA commercial about videoblogging

Since a lot of youngsters are blogging, in Norway in particular there are several young women who are blogging, Voe, Ida Wulff, Ulrikke Lund and Julia Nyland Ørsahl are the most well known, ICA in Sweden who has been running TV-ads for a long, long time did a commercial about this phenomenon which is, I […]

Video from the INMA seminar, part 2

Here is the second video from INMA’s seminar last Friday (the 13th of March), starting with one of the key note speakers, Jan Omdahl. Live video chat by Ustream The sound isn’t the best, but we will edit it as soon as possible, but I wanna’ show what was said.


A great INMA seminar about politics and social media earlier today. Thanks to Sindre F. Beyer, Arbeiderpartiet, Hanne Bjerknes, Høyre, Tone Liljeroth, FrP, Marius Myhrvold, ColtPR, Marius Eriksen, Sermo Consulting, Thomas Moen, 4AM, Jan Omdahl, Dagbladet for making this such a great day. A lot of Twitter and LiveStreaming – I will post it as […]