The 24-hours business camp

This is a concept which I’m deeply in love with. Put together a lot of creative minds, give them 24 hours to develop a Internetbased service which people can use, and commercialize it from there – then vote and cross your fingers that it actually works, there you have the whole idea. Check this little […]

The Frenzy of Twitter

Twitter’s the subject of a lot of debate at the moment and a lot of coverage in the media and press. Twitter is growing fast and as it does so it is changing and evolving to follow its users needs. I truly believe that Twitter is growing and that 2009 will see it evolve beyond […]

Internet – evolve?

Starting of the new year with some thoughts… a pretty ambisious one – enjoy! Some of today’s most vaunted tech philosophers are embroiled in a ferocious argument. On one side are those who think the Internet will liberate humanity, in a virtuous cycle of e-volving creativity that may culminate in new and higher forms of […]

A good day – exciting new colleges

New possibilities, a good customer meeting and very a sunny and beautiful day in Oslo. It’s always exciting when new things comes around, in my case I have started to work as a senior advisor at a very thrilling company, Confetti . To work with the net as a business channel, ad’s, media – a […]

Ad’s on the net tops TV-ads

Listening to the radio this morning, one of the biggest news was that companies spends more money on ads on the Internet, than they use on TV ads. Still, most spent money is traditional, ads in the newspapers. So, what we happen with this in the future, I think it will create a flood of […]

About internet domination

Eastern is over, and it’s time to start writing again. By the way, Hemsedal in Norway is a great place to be, skiing. I think it’s the best place in Scandinavia, besides Åre and Voss. Ok, back to the internet, I found a very interesting article written by the Think Tank Intertic about the acquisition […]

Why $0.00 is the Future of Business

I know, I know, I stole the heading – but for everybody who is working with Internet related things, it doesn’t matter if it’s business development, branding or marketing, I think this article written by Chris Anderson, the editor of Wired and the author of the book the Long Tail is continuing his ideas about […]