
Da er den unnagjort, årets første partilederdebatt på TV2 og NRK. Og hvem vann? Jeg synes at både Hareide og Skei Grande gjorde en god figur, Hareide var overraskede offensiv i starten. Til tross for at debatten ble kjørt av partilederne i Stortingspartiene omhandlet akkurat det som vi går til valg på, barnehager/skole, helse og […]

The Arbeiderparti debate on radical muslims

The President of the Norwegian Storting (Parliament) and former Labour party leader, Thorbjørn Jagland, went on a rampage on the Prime Ministers 50th birthday (can you imagine…) and attacked his own party, and particularity the Secretary General Martin Kolberg for its role in the ongoing debate on Islam, saying it is creating fear. Jagland says […]


A great INMA seminar about politics and social media earlier today. Thanks to Sindre F. Beyer, Arbeiderpartiet, Hanne Bjerknes, Høyre, Tone Liljeroth, FrP, Marius Myhrvold, ColtPR, Marius Eriksen, Sermo Consulting, Thomas Moen, 4AM, Jan Omdahl, Dagbladet for making this such a great day. A lot of Twitter and LiveStreaming – I will post it as […]

A fantastic seminar about politics and social media

Friday the 13th March (yeh, I know…), INMA together with us at Confetti and Dagbladet will invite to a huge seminar about the use of social media in politics. One of the new and exciting politicians, Hadia Tajik from Arbeiderpartiet, will tell us some of her experience in her campaign at YouTube. The list of […]