Social Media World Forum: ”Det er hvem du kjenner som betyr noe”

Bra oppsummering fra Magnus Høij og Krister Bjørkman fra Internetworld vedrørende Social Media World Forum. Markedsførere fra hele verden var samlet med et felles mål; ha en idé omkring hvordan de skal kommunisere med sin/e målgruppe/r når målgruppen/e velger sosiale medier foran annen tradisjonell media. Internetworld hade möjlighet att ha ett par ögon och öron […]

Spørsmålet du skal stille deg!

Hvorfor vil mennesker delta på din blogg, din Facebook-gruppe eller ditt sosiale nettverk? Hvorfor vil jeg delta og dele mine meninger? Ettersom mange av temaene på Gulltaggen kommer å omhandle sosiale medier tenkte jeg stille spørsmålet som jeg ofte møter, ikke minst kan det være godt for å virkelig tenke over hva du skal gjøre. […]

Facebook på jobben – hvorfor?

Dette innlegg fikk bli på norsk, ville skrive den fort på en mandag formiddag…. Facebook i Norge er idag større enn noensinne og debatten går høy om verdien av den, særlig på arbeidsplassen. Det store spørsmålet er, skal Facebook tillates på jobben? Og, som vanlig, debatten slutter med at parterne har hvert sitt ståsted – […]

It’s Googles World, we just live in it!

This is a brilliant post from Salon, and Andrew Leonard! I’m posting it – read it, it gives some good ideas and do read the comments – there are some very intriguing words been said. It’s fun to trash the search-monster’s Buzz, but there’s a method to its social networking smart-phone madness Is this what […]

Top 50 Facebook pages

From Viral Blog: Facebook has been a revelation this year and will achieve much more the next coming year(s). Many people created their own profile but so have brands. The Big Money helped out in creating ranking of the brands that are currently making the best use of Facebook. Various metrics—including fan numbers, page growth, […]

200 millions uses Facebook!

Congratulations, yesterday over 200 millions has/is using Facebook! In this video (only available if you’re a member of Facebook, but I’ll guess everybody is!) Mark Zuckerberg says “Growing rapidly to 200 million users is a really good start, but we’ve always known that in order for Facebook to help people represent everything that is happening […]

No surprise – Facebook is no 1!

Data released today from supports what will not be a surprise to most. Facebook is the most visited social network, with nearly 1.2 billion visits in January 2009. This also represents significant growth, with visits to Facebook up 36% on December, and 256% over the previous twelve months. MySpace slipped into second place at […]

Recommendations works better than ads on social networks!

In the 2008 Consumer Report from Razorfish (yes, they are still out there!) shows that 40% of online consumers have made a decision based on an advertisement they saw on social media sites and that three-quarters welcome brand advertising in these spaces. So consumers are, it would appear from this research, comfortable with brands being […]

Internet – evolve?

Starting of the new year with some thoughts… a pretty ambisious one – enjoy! Some of today’s most vaunted tech philosophers are embroiled in a ferocious argument. On one side are those who think the Internet will liberate humanity, in a virtuous cycle of e-volving creativity that may culminate in new and higher forms of […]

Norways biggest websites – 18th of December 2008

I wrote about this at Confettis blog, but I thought it had some points I would like to share. In Norway we have a list from TNS/Metrix, measuring the traffic on Norwegian websites. But, you have to pay for it – to become a part of this statistics. That’s why, for example, isn’t on […]

The social community war!

I know, two posts in one day, but I had to do this little thing immediately! I found this video who kinda’ sums up the requests of joining all kinds of communities – I found it hilarious! Social Networking Wars