Genial interaktiv reklame

Inimellom kommer det reklame/markedsføringsstunt som jeg bare synes er helt lysende. Dette er et eksempel; den veldig veldig gamle merkevaren TipEx jobber sterkt med å gjøre comeback i disse digitale tider. Her har man laget en lysende, fra mitt ståsted, interaktiv presentasjon av sin merkevare – ikke minst; man integrerer merkevaren i hva jeg som […]

ICA commercial about videoblogging

Since a lot of youngsters are blogging, in Norway in particular there are several young women who are blogging, Voe, Ida Wulff, Ulrikke Lund and Julia Nyland Ørsahl are the most well known, ICA in Sweden who has been running TV-ads for a long, long time did a commercial about this phenomenon which is, I […]

Using your employees in commercials

I saw this commercial somewhere and thought it had a great message for all brands to hear. It’s about how all of the employees are passionate about beer and that everyone learns how to brew beer, no matter what their position in the company. We always talk about the importance of putting your employees first […]