Vinnere av Sermos superheltpris #sofaprat

During Sofaprat at Emil & Samuel december 17th, NRKBeta was a runaway winner! This competition, held by Sermo Consulting,created some discussions within the Norwegian hard-core social media sphere. From left to right are Thomas Tangen, Sermo, Thomas Moen ColtPR, Eirik Solheim NRKBeta, (hidden Arnt Eriksen Sermo) and Øyvind Solstad from NRKBeta.


A great INMA seminar about politics and social media earlier today. Thanks to Sindre F. Beyer, Arbeiderpartiet, Hanne Bjerknes, Høyre, Tone Liljeroth, FrP, Marius Myhrvold, ColtPR, Marius Eriksen, Sermo Consulting, Thomas Moen, 4AM, Jan Omdahl, Dagbladet for making this such a great day. A lot of Twitter and LiveStreaming – I will post it as […]