Bærums beste blogger?

Er det meg? Budstikka har laget en konkurranse for alle som blogger i Asker & Bærum. Foreløpig så er det 90 som er påmeldt sies det i Budstikka. Og bare så det er sagt – jeg leser en del av de med stor glede. Dessuten synes jeg det viser hvor utrolig morsomt og spennende blogging […]

ICA commercial about videoblogging

Since a lot of youngsters are blogging, in Norway in particular there are several young women who are blogging, Voe, Ida Wulff, Ulrikke Lund and Julia Nyland Ørsahl are the most well known, ICA in Sweden who has been running TV-ads for a long, long time did a commercial about this phenomenon which is, I […]

It’s summer and holidays

And I’m more or less on vacation, despite all things thats need to be commented. Everything from the horrendous ideas from Frp about putting asylum seekers in Africa, ’til Branns very disappointing 2-5 loss against Molde… ouch… but I will do some randomly writing during July, never know when the spirit get too me…

About this social media thing…

What was my strategy when launching this blog? How about when I started using Twitter over two years ago when most people dismissed it as a fad, trend, and a tool for narcissistic individuals who wanted to tell the world what they had for lunch? My strategy – learning by doing! I made mistakes, I […]

Politics, blogging and communication

Here is Politikk og nettsamfunn presentation I held yesterday at INMA about politics and communication on the net. It might doesn’t say too much, and it’s in Norwegian, a lot of pictures, but mail me if you want to know more. I just wish for the forthcoming election here in Norway next year, that the […]