Realtids Facebook annonser kommer nå – hva mener du?

er det en god idé? Nå i mars har Facebook begynt med real-time conversations (har ikke et god nok norsk ord…) for sine “target ads”. Denne modellen er testet av kun 1% av Facebook brukere rundt omkring i verden. Facebook har levert “targeted ads” basert på vegg postinger og status oppdateringer en stund nå, men […]

Google Instant Search og AdWords – hva skjer med annonsene?

Google lansert for noen dager siden sitt “Instant Search”. Det som skjer er at Google foreslår et relevant søkeresultat når du begynner å skrive, alt dette i realtid. Konsekvens: raskere og effektivere. Når jeg har sjekket ser ser ut som om AdWords følger med i denne logikken, relevante annonser følger det du søker. Og her […]

Continuing the debate in VG

It came to my attention yesterday that Arbeiderpartiet featuring Norway’s prime minister had a put an ad on, a website which is on the MPAA blacklist as dubious, distributing illegal meterial. When the article was published today in VG I had some reactions from both Google and Arbeiderpartiet of course. The reason for my […]

Porn goes into mainstream ads

It’s interesting to see that a major company in the US, Anheuser Busch, brand Bud Lite, is using porn as a mean to market it’s products. Is this a trend coming towards us? If you looks in the newspapers and on TV the answer must be yes. It seems to mark some kind of cultural […]

Norways biggest websites – 18th of December 2008

I wrote about this at Confettis blog, but I thought it had some points I would like to share. In Norway we have a list from TNS/Metrix, measuring the traffic on Norwegian websites. But, you have to pay for it – to become a part of this statistics. That’s why, for example, isn’t on […]

Political ads on Norwegian TV?

The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg Thursday said in a statement yesterday that Norway’s restrictions again political TV-ads is against the freedom of speech, and because of that we can have political ads in the election campaigns next year. Is this a good thing? Yes, I absolutely think so! During an election year, […]

Interesting way of branding things!

A music video has done something quite interesting I think, they have put 41 different ads in the video! So, how do we classify this? Is it user-generated, viral involuntary co-op branding? But it’s an interesting technique – commercials as a library for music video producers. Ooh, almost forgot – how many of the commercials […]

Ad’s on the net tops TV-ads

Listening to the radio this morning, one of the biggest news was that companies spends more money on ads on the Internet, than they use on TV ads. Still, most spent money is traditional, ads in the newspapers. So, what we happen with this in the future, I think it will create a flood of […]