Fly Nordic – how to handle customers – terrible!

“The objective for FlyNordic is to become the leading lowcost and low fare airline in Northern Europe” they say on their website! How do they handle their customers, well – this example show you how!
In February I was standing at Arlanda airport in Stockholm on my way to Oslo, when the flight was canceled due to technical difficulties they said. They could offer me a ticket for the next flight, but it was 8 hours later. I said I couldn’t do it, because I had meetings to attend to and had to go to Oslo as soon as possible. I jumped on a SAS-flight and landed ok.
When I later that day called back and told them that I wanted to have a refund for the extra SAS ticket I had to buy, they refused saying “that their policies didn’t include booking fees on other companies”.
I the filed a complaint to Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden (The National Board for Consumer Complaints) and in a decision I was told I had the right on my side, showing to a paragraph in the Montreal Convention, articel 19 and EU standards 2027/97.
What do you think have happened? Absolutely nothing!! They don’t answer my phone calls and they don’t reply my mails! Customer service… well, judge for yourself!

Oh, almost forgot, a month ago it happend again, cancelled the flight due to technical difficulties.. I’m starting to wonder about the security and what the heck is going on with FlyNordic – Finnair (as their owner) couldn’t be to happy!