Baseball in crisis, again

I read this article yesterday, written by ESPN senior writer Jayson Stark, about Sports Illustrated article Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 03. Alex Rodriguez

Mr Stark is very angry and I do agree, like he says in his article “In baseball, we love our numbers. And we love our heroes. And that brings us to Alex Rodriguez, a man who has committed a crime he doesn’t even understand: A crime against the once-proud history of his sport”, and continuing “A-Rod didn’t commit that crime alone, of course. In many ways, he is just the latest, greatest face of a mass conspiracy that has now succeeded in obliterating the quality that used to separate baseball from the rest of the sporting jungle.”

And the end: “So weep not for what A-Rod has done to himself. Weep for what he’s done to his sport”. You’ll find the article on ESPN here.

A couple of comments from me: Why don’t he respond in the international media like Michael Phelps and how will this effect the sport for the years to come? It sad, it’s worse than I could ever imagine and where is the moron Gene Orza??