About this social media thing…

What was my strategy when launching this blog? How about when I started using Twitter over two years ago when most people dismissed it as a fad, trend, and a tool for narcissistic individuals who wanted to tell the world what they had for lunch? My strategy – learning by doing!

I made mistakes, I also got some things right. I got less activity when I wasn’t adding enough value. I’d see additional followers on Twitter built over time and even some growth spurts when someone with influence recommended me. Same goes for blogging. I’ve learned almost everything I know about this space by doing it. I’ve always learned by doing. It’s instinctual for me—I have problems learning other ways. Which is why I’m perplexed that now that we’re seeing brands actually do what I’ve been doing for years (learning by doing), we’re all up in arms.
Brands will actively engage on the social web by doing—and learn in the process. They can’t sit on the sidelines anymore. The social web only kicks in AFTER something is put into the space. Just like I launched this blog in 2006. All of the effort came AFTER the launch. Listen. Learn. Adapt. This is what I believe in.

From Forrester’s E-marketing blog

* Social media is a full time commitment. Across the teams those who were able to generate the greatest number of sales were full time bloggers (or at least full time social media gurus). Even among the so called digerati those of us for whom social isn’t our sole focus were left in the dust by those who do it for a living. What it means for marketers: don’t think you’re going to make an impact asking your current digital marketing manager to add Twittering and blogging to their current job description. Figure out what your role should be in the social media space and staff with people knowledgeable and connected who thrive on contributing to and participating in that space. Social media isn’t something you turn on and off for a campaign; it’s something you live and breathe every day.

* Suspicion runs rampant. No sooner had the project begun than the comments started coming back: who is this for, whom does it benefit, why should I give, how do I know this is legitimate? Fortunately Tide had provided teams with information, images and a website with full program details. Even so, most people needed a lot of proof points before they would embrace talking about the program. What it means for marketers: Anyone who thinks corporate Norway is welcome at the social party hasn’t been paying a lot of attention. Corporate messages and their bearers are viewed with suspicion and in some cases, derision. Overcoming it takes patience, information and most importantly truly good intentions at the root of your efforts.

* You can’t please all the people all the time. No matter what some people seem to believe that most corporate efforts spring from bad intent. What it means for marketers? Take time to plan for worst case scenarios: how could your intentions be misconstrued and how and when do you respond? Accept that you will never be welcomed by all but with a good faith effort, honesty, transparency and a long term commitment you can at least get a chance to tell your side of the story.